GMAT is the key to open doors to many business schools

The GMAT exam is the first step towards achieving your dream career! As the gold standard for admission to the world’s top ranked business and management programs, the GMAT exam will help turn your life’s passion into profitable and successful career.

Today the GMAT exam is the most widely used test for graduate management admissions and the most reliable predictor of academic success in graduate business and management studies. The exam measures your verbal, quantitative, integrated reasoning, and analytical writing skills. The GMAT exam is the key to quality MBA programs that attract the best candidates and bring the best professional opportunities in the future.

More than 5, 400 graduate-level business and management programs around the world use the GMAT exam to help identify students who can succeed in their programs. Rather that testing your knowledge of business or any other subject matter, the GMAT exam measures higher-order reasoning skills – skills that matter in management environment and global workplace. You will need basic knowledge of geometry, algebra, statistics, and the English language to demonstrate different types of reasoning skills.

1. Analytical Writing Assessment measures your ability to evaluate the reasoning behind an argument and convey your position in writing.
2. Integrated Reasoning section measures your ability to synthesize and analyze data from multiple sources and different formats to solve complex problems.
3. Quantitative section measures your ability to solve quantitative problems, interpret graphic data, and know what data you need to solve a problem.
4. Verbal section measures your ability to read and analyze text, reason and evaluate arguments, and convey ideas effectively in English.


GMAT Section # of Questions Time Score Scale
Analytical Writing Assessment 1 essay 30 min 0 – 6, in 0.5 intervals
Integrated Reasoning 12 questions 30 min 1 – 8, in single digit intervals
Quantitative 37 questions 75 min 0 – 60, in single digit intervals
Verbal 41 questions 75 min 0 – 60, in single digit intervals
Total score is based on performance on the Quantitative and Verbal sections, reported on a 200 – 800 scale.


Take the GMAT exam seriously, start preparing in advance, as you already know – a good GMAT score is the best way to get the world’s top business schools to notice You!

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Frequently Asked Questions about the GMAT Exam.

We start the series of the FAQs posts… Check out all you need to know about the GMAT and MBA Admissions… Feel free to comment, ask questions and find the reliable source of information here!

1. How do I register for the GMAT test? – Answer: There best place to find all the necessary information about registering for and scheduling the test is – the website of the test maker. Please visit the official MBA website and sign up for a free. Then on the home page you will find a link to register for the test.

2. What time can I write the exam? When is the GMAT offered? – Answer: It is offered almost every day, including weekends, but excluding all public holidays. Avalable days and times vary by the test centre – check out the ones most convenient for you. If you perform better in the morning, you can schedule your test as early as 8 am. If you prefer writing a test in the evening, some centres offer tests as late as 4 or 5 pm. Please keep in mind, some of the most popular test centres have limited availability, so be sure to book in advance, or – if you prefer to see how you perform on practice exams first – monitor availability as you get closer to your desired date, so as not to miss admission deadlines.

3. How much does the GMAT cost? – Answer: The current cost of the GMAT exam is US$250.

4. Can I use the calculator? – Answer: NO! An on-screen calculator will be provided only for the Integrated Reasoning section. By the way, you are not allowed to take pretty much anything with you (no coats, watches, books, study materials, papers, pens, food, drinks, CALCULATORS, cell phones, pagers, translators). For more details watch the official video via YouTube

You will be provided with a yellow spiral-bound wet erase note-board and 2 or 3 wet erase pens for scratch work. There will be headphones at each computer for those worried about noise; otherwise, all your possessions must be locked away outside the testing area until after you are done!

Wishing you the best results on your GMAT exam!
Admit Master