Thinking of applying to law schools in Canada?

Applications to Law Schools are super competitive. Think about this: if you have a degree in social sciences or humanities, finding a good job is never easy. If you get a law degree, you’re virtually assured a $100K+ salary at your first full-time job.

If you want to apply to a Law School in Ontario, the odds are seriously against you. Unlike most other graduate university programs, law schools are all about your academic achievements. GPA and LSAT count ~2/3 of the admission decision.

While schools such as Osgoode Hall and UofT Faculty of Law have average GPA of 3.7 or above, the GPA is probably something you can’t change any more. The LSAT is your only chance to shine. But most candidates never will succeed on the LSAT.

Here are the 3 reasons why most people fail to make it to a law school in Canada:

1) The LSAT is designed to measure skills that are considered essential for success in law school (the ability to understand complex texts, analyze information, think critically, and evaluate the reasoning & arguments), not knowledge of any subject matter.

2) Almost all of your prior education was focused on teaching you information in a lecture format. This style of learning required memorization – and most exams you ever took asked you to recall information and thus evaluate your memory, not your skills.

Simply put, our traditional education system wasn’t designed to prepare you for a skills-based exam such as the LSAT.

3) Unfortunately, most LSAT courses are content-based. They are designed around the same style of learning you’re already used to – memorization of content.

While most people are comfortable learning this way, very few achieve their score goals.

What if I told you that your chance of getting into a law school in Canada is less than 10%?

(It is.)

An average LSAT score at UofT Faculty of Law is 167… that’s top 6% of all LSAT-takers.

If you get below 165 (top 8%), you’re in the bottom quartile of all candidates…

Still want to TRY to get in?

If you want to have a shot at a Law School, TRYing won’t cut it. You need a PLAN.

LSAT Prep Course Toronto

Here is your 3-step plan to beating the LSAT

1) Take a diagnostic test. Seriously. You need to know where you’re starting from.

Sign up for a free LSAT practice test here

2) Take a skills-based LSAT course (not the content-based course everyone else takes). Even if your friends took a content-based exam – maybe it’s time to be different. Only 1 in 10 of them will make it to a law school. It’s your life, so start thinking for yourself.

Sign up for the skills-based LSAT prep course in Toronto here

3) Continue practicing your skills until the day of your exam. This is very important.

Most LSAT prep centres don’t want to see you again after the last class – unless you pay $200+/hour for private tutoring.

Admit Master’s small-size LSAT courses not only come with 3 hours of private tutoring, but also include a 1-year course repeat guarantee – no questions asked.

It all makes total sense

Remember – if you study the right way for the LSAT (i.e. develop skills), instead of TRYing to memorize content, not only you will be in the top 10% of people who actually get into a law school, but also you’ll develop skills that will make you successful in a law school.

This is what admission officers at law schools know very well…

And this is why they pay so much attention to your LSAT scores.

Develop the right skills… Master the LSAT… Succeed in a law school…

And other people will look at you in awe… they didn’t know that the key to your success was the skills-based LSAT training, not content-based LSAT lectures…

But we’ll keep it as our dirty little secret…

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